More Readings From One Man's Wilderness : The Journals of Richard L. Proenneke, 1974-1980

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During the winter of 1973 & 74 I received many nice letters concerning my book One Man's Wilderness and many times I felt guilty about receiving them in flat lander country. If Twin Lakes country was so nice, what was I doing in Iowa.
Babe phoned Merrill Tower to clear him with no receiver and we headed on the last leg of our long journey. Ft Nelson, B. C. to Anch. is a good hop for one day. Babe flew on home next day and I stayed to take care of last minute business. A few showings of my film and one of them for the National Park Service. They were very much interested and asked if I would shoot some film of Twin Lakes country for them. I would if we could agree on a deal. An easy outfit to deal with and it was soon settled. I purchased a new Bolex tripod for the project and Will Troyer loaned (wouldn't sell) me his good Miller fluid head. Another show for the Anch. Prospectors Club and I have never had a better audience.
Babe came to town and we flew to Port Alsworth Apr. 17. The usual small jobs to do at his homestead. The far side of the greenhouse roof to recover. Several axe and splitting maul handles to put in. A trip to the mission for a few small chores. He left me there to fly away with fare paying passengers. The girls and I took Sig & Leon on a picnic on the creek. "B" came for me in his Tri-Pacer. A nice quiet easy riding rig.