A Bump on the Head

December 17 - Overcast (Snowing), Blowing dn. & 27 deg
... Coming back it happened. I stayed farther out from shore to get more solid ice. From light snow cover onto bare ice with snow on my shoe pac soles. Out went my feet and both at once. There was nothing to break my fall but the ice. I hit the back of my head so hard that I was dazed for a few seconds. All I can say is that the human skull and brain is terribly durable. Now I have had it both front and back. My face and forehead making a complete wreck of the Cub's instrument panel and now I try to break three inches of solid ice. No further mishap on my way to the cabin.
December 20 - Overcast, Blowing up &18 deg
I'm thinking that I shall forever feel thankful that I stayed this winter and that I severely bumped the back of my head. Since coming in June 10th of 77 I have noticed that my sense of balance was not up to par by any means. I noticed it more in the cabin than anywhere. Forever making a step to regain my balance. Worse by far at night. Get out of my bunk at night and rest my forehead on the edge of the bunk a few seconds until my compass stopped turning and I could walk a half straight line. Crossing my pole bridge was a hit and miss proposition and if the water was high I used a pole to make sure that I got across. Now! no comparison on an even keel anytime and all the time. How many brain surgeons, I am wondering, would have used a black jack on the back of my head to erase the damage done by a severe blow to my forefead more than two years ago. If I ever have the opportunity I must ask one just what took place inside my pumpkin head.
More Readings From One Man's Wilderness, the Journals of Richard L. Proenneke 1974-1980 Richard L Proenneke, pg 329
clipped March 15, 2006
Collection: Natural Science
Absolute Silence
As My Breathing Evened Out
A Mere Bristle on the Hog
A Bump on the Head
Canning the Blueberries
Crayfish Chimney
That's the Point of Emotions: Survival
The Trespasser's Eyeshine
Few genes are required
Five Trillion Spiders
Messing Up Their Results
Interior of a Settled Korak Yurt
A Siberian dog signal-howl
We Are Clearly a Species Worth Saving
They do not Intrude on Each Other
Troops Endure Blowing Sands and Mud Rain
Wind on the Gangplank