Messing Up Their Results

... Jack Panksepp found that laboratory-reared rats who've never seen or smelled a cat stop playing the instant you put a tuft of cat hair in their play space. Since frightened animals don't play, that's a good indication that those rats are afraid. ... This experience got Dr Panksepp to thinking about how many research laboratories might be messing up their results due to researchers' coming to work smelling like their pet cats.
Animals in Translation, Temple Grandin, p207
clipped March 15, 2005
Collection: Natural Science
Absolute Silence
As My Breathing Evened Out
A Mere Bristle on the Hog
A Bump on the Head
Canning the Blueberries
Crayfish Chimney
That's the Point of Emotions: Survival
The Trespasser's Eyeshine
Few genes are required
Five Trillion Spiders
Messing Up Their Results
Interior of a Settled Korak Yurt
A Siberian dog signal-howl
We Are Clearly a Species Worth Saving
They do not Intrude on Each Other
Troops Endure Blowing Sands and Mud Rain
Wind on the Gangplank