Word Play

What magic it is to read a passage that lights up the mind's eye.
- Canning the Blueberries
- "Another wait of more than an hour and he was back in the berry picking business. He found some good patches and was really canning the blueberries."
- Wind on the Gangplank
- They do not Intrude on Each Other
- As My Breathing Evened Out
- I Like Writing
- "I like finding feelings in words' ..."
- Roses
- Sell Them Down the River
- "The average Missouri Negro looked upon being sold south as one or two degrees worse than being sent straight to hell." Thomas Henry Tibbles
- Rice Toss
- Hobnobbing with Brigham Young
- "I hesitated a little about accepting the invitation because I didn't know how many of the Mrs. Youngs I might be presented to and I wasn't looking as handsome as I always liked to when going into the company of ladies."