A Few of my Favorite Recipes
This is a page of links to some my favorite recipes.
This is a page of links to some my favorite recipes.
John's Crunchy Chopped Hummus
Chopped hummus? Why would anyone hand chop their hummus? They probably wouldn't but I'm one of those rare birds who doesn't have a blender or food processor and I wanted some hummus. So I chopped it.
And ended up with some nice crunchy hummus. An unexpected crunchiness I like a lot. So I call it John's Crunchy Chopped Hummus. A food processor would make it go quicker and if one is careful not to process it too fine it should be possible to electrify the processing. Try it and see if it works.
Is this heart healthy hummus?
I thought so at the time I made this delicious hummus but now I'm not so sure. In his book, Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease Dr Esselstyn's prescription for a heart healthy diet contains no animal products, no oils and no nuts. Back then I found Dr. Esselstyn's research into heart attack proofing one's body through diet quite compelling.
I've since changed my mind and no longer eat the chick peas and other carby stuff in this recipe. But for those who like their hummus chopped, here's what I made.

Crunchy Chopped Hummus
The Ancient New England Standing Dish
"... this they Dish, putting Butter to it, and a little Vinegar, (with some Spice, as Ginger, &c.) which makes it tart like an Apple, and so serve it up to be eaten with Fish or Flesh: It provokes Urin extremely and is very windy."
The Ancient New England Standing Dish But the Housewives manner is to slice them when ripe, and cut them into dice, and so fill a pot with them of two or three Gallons, and stew them upon a gentle fire a whole day, and as they sink, they fill again with fresh Pompions, not putting any liquor to them; and when it is stew'd enough, it will look like bak'd Apples; this they Dish, putting Butter to it, and a little Vinegar, (with some Spice, as Ginger, &c.) which makes it tart like an Apple, and so serve it up to be eaten with Fish or Flesh: It provokes Urin extremely and is very windy.
John Josselyn, New-Englands Rarities Discovered (1672)
I'll have to get me another one of those 5lb butternut squash I stewed recently (and spent the next week eating) and try this.
[Later] Hmm... nice - I stewed butternut squash, topped it with butter, apple cider vinegar, salt, and cinnamon.
John's Molasses Bread
This is a very basic molasses bread I tossed together.

Molasses bread
- Organic whole wheat flour
- An egg
- Baking soda
- Blackstrap molasses
- Olive oil
- Salt
John's Pretty Good Veggie Stew
These are the ingredients I used today. Most any veggies you have around will do. The constant is the tomatoes and corn. I always try to keep a few cans on hand. Rice is good too. Beans and peas are good.
a large can of diced tomatoes ---------------<coxon>---------------
Mom's PfeffernuesseMom made these great pfeffernuesse cookies for one of her holiday give-aways. From Mother's recipe fileOne thing I'm thinking of doing is putting up a selection from my mother's recipe file - starting with some of my old favorites. They're hand written on 3 x 5 cards and I haven't decided whether to scan them or transcribe them. Scanning might preserve their character better. Let's try one... Pfeffernuesse![]() Mom's Pfeffernuesse recipe card (obverse) |