HomeFoodStewed Pumpkin

Northern Shoveler, San Antonio NM, February 10, 2011

The Ancient New England Standing Dish

"... this they Dish, putting Butter to it, and a little Vinegar, (with some Spice, as Ginger, &c.) which makes it tart like an Apple, and so serve it up to be eaten with Fish or Flesh: It provokes Urin extremely and is very windy."

The Ancient New England Standing Dish But the Housewives manner is to slice them when ripe, and cut them into dice, and so fill a pot with them of two or three Gallons, and stew them upon a gentle fire a whole day, and as they sink, they fill again with fresh Pompions, not putting any liquor to them; and when it is stew'd enough, it will look like bak'd Apples; this they Dish, putting Butter to it, and a little Vinegar, (with some Spice, as Ginger, &c.) which makes it tart like an Apple, and so serve it up to be eaten with Fish or Flesh: It provokes Urin extremely and is very windy.

John Josselyn, New-Englands Rarities Discovered (1672)

I'll have to get me another one of those 5lb butternut squash I stewed recently (and spent the next week eating) and try this.

[Later] Hmm... nice - I stewed butternut squash, topped it with butter, apple cider vinegar, salt, and cinnamon.