When You Discover What It Is You Really Need, You Will Have It
I offer this here without comment; it speaks so eloquently for itself.
Ironically I had tried these very boots on at least twice before. And rejected them. They weren’t exactly what I had in mind. And in that I reminded myself of a story a Chi Gong/Tai Chi teacher once told - how he’d gone to pick up some Buddhist monks who were to visit his ranch, on the way his truck had broken down, he was despondent that he had to have a new truck and could not by any means afford such. The monks had said to him, “JL, when you discover what it is you really need, you will have it.” It took him awhile to come to it, but what he needed was a truck that worked, not a new truck, and when he came to that, he got a call from someone wanting to sell their truck at a reasonable price.
Excerpted from the Contrary Goddess: Sixty Cents A Toe, December 25, 2006
Posted January 1, 2007