Western Scrub-Jay, Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM, March 19, 2010
Birds Series - Western Scrub-Jay
- Western Scrub-Jay - Western Scrub-Jay, Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM, March 19, 2010.
- Portrait in Blue - Great Blue Heron, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, March 12, 2010.
- Gone Fishing - Great Blue Heron, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, March 12, 2010.
- One Two Three - One Bald Eagle, Two Sandhill Cranes, Three Ravens, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, February 2, 2010.
- Sandhill Crane - Sandhill Crane, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, January 30, 2010.
- Glide Slope - Glide Slope, Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, January 30, 2010.
- Coming to Roost - Coming to Roost, Sandhill Cranes, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, January 26, 2010.
- Taking Fright - Taking Fright, Northern Pintails, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, January 24, 2010.
- Perch - Home Farm, Red Rock, East Chatham NY, May 15, 2009.
- Great Horned Owl - Great Horned Owl, Red Rock, East Chatham NY, May 24, 2009.
- Anhinga - Anhinga (female), Foscue Creek, Demopolis AL, November 23, 2008.
- Buzzards Roost - Turkey buzzards at roost, Percha Dam State Park, Arrey NM, March 26, 2009.
- Roadrunner - Roadrunner, South Monticello Area, Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM, April 16, 2009.