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Saturday, November 17, 2007

Squirrel's nest at Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL

I'm writing this from the Ikea parking lot outside Pittsburg PA.

I'd hoped to find some cabinets at Ikea that would serve as desk storage under the top I built. No good. Nothing here suits me. Ikea's stuff is a bare cut above Wal-Mart. The display is interesting and it was worth the stop to see how Ikea merchandises their goods. I guess I'll build my own cabinets.

From here I think I'll head down along the Ohio River toward the Mississippi. Tomorrow. I'm all driven out for today. It snowed off and on most all day yesterday. I had hoped to get under way a bit earlier in November so I could duck south of this colder weather but there was just too much to do first.

My wool curtains are working out great - I'm glad I took the time to sew them up. I'll have to see if I can get some pictures to post here one of these days.

Night camp: Wal-Mart parking lot in Washington PA

A Voyage and a Harbor

The native American was forced westward by the young escaping the limits of east coast villages that had been established only a generation or two earlier by parents escaping the limits of European villages. From then on, whether seeking a whale, rafting with Huck Finn, easy riding with Peter Fonda, or next week in Cancun, there has been a strong belief in America that happiness lies somewhere else. And yet as we find freedom we also rediscover loneliness. As geographer Yi-Fu Tuan says, we require both shelter and venture. We need freedom and support, silence and cacophony, the vast and distant but also the warm and near, a voyage and a harbor, the great adventure and the hobbit hole. Much of the iconography of our times gives little sense of this. Instead, the individual is treated as a self-sufficient, self-propelled vehicle moving across a background of other things, other places, and other people.
