SEARCH Travels With LD

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Today I decided I was in major need of a quiet few hours in a bookstore. So far on this trip I have not noticed a single significant bookstore in passing and thought I'd Google Barnes & Noble and see if there was a store in Chattanooga TN since the town is blocking my path toward Birmingham AL. Success. Well, sort of. I found a listing for a store in Chattanooga at Hamilton Place, the largest shopping center in the state. So I Googled a map, drove there, parked, went into the mall (huge), walked up to the mall map kiosk, found the listing for B&N. With an asterisk. Found the note for the asterisk at the bottom of the sign. The store opens in 2008. What the %$*!? - why couldn't that little bit of info have been on their web site?

Oh well, at least all that hoo-haa led me to an easy traverse of Chattanooga and a delightful ride down AL route 75 through some quiet rural farm country with a distinctly southern flavor.

Night camp: Wal-Mart in Oneonta AL

The Bottom Line

...if you’re young, dear God, don’t try to live the way your parents did. You don’t need three bedrooms, although a roof is nice. Get the hell outa Dodge and stir things up. Leave! Adapt! Believe in yourself! Have fun! The bottom line is, do I have shelter and enough to eat. Everything else is optional. EVERYTHING! There are no rules!!! Just keep it simple: get that first bit down, no matter how, and you can get creative with the rest.
