SEARCH Travels With LD

Thursday, December 13, 2007 - Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL

Fungus, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 13, 2007
Fungus, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 13, 2007

Later: I got in a nice 2 hour hike and made it back to the RV just as it started to sprinkle. Good timing. Tomorrow I hope to hike a little farther down to the Lower Pool Park. I have a hunch one can get a view of the Demopolis Lake dam and lock from there.

Wood duck wonder

This afternoon, in a repeat of yesterdays observation, shortly after sundown, a pair of wood ducks paddled into the cove and just beyond my peninsula here at site 42 they dove, never to be seen again. Where did they go? How long can they stay submerged? Why did the swim all that way up the cove from the river when they could have flown. Doesn't it take more energy to paddle than to fly?

Night camp

Site 42 - Foscue Creek Campground, Demopolis AL

There is Nothing a Man Will Not Do for Another

There's nothing a man will not do to another and there is nothing a man will not do for another.

Anne Michaels in Fugitive Pieces. Quoted by Mary Pipher, The Middle of Everywhere, p339
