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Saturday, December 15, 2007 - Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL

Armadillo, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 13, 2007
Armadillo, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 13, 2007

Happy anniversary

I've been on the road a month already. My how time flies.

Site 42, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 15, 2007
Site 42, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 15, 2007

Night camp

Site 42 - Foscue Creek Campground, Demopolis AL

What a Deale

What a deale of cold busines doth a man mis-spend the better part of life in! in scattering complements, tendring visits, gathering and venting newes, following Feasts and Playes, making a little winter-love in a darke corner.

Don't know the source - possibly Ben Jonson
