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Tuesday, December 18, 2007 - Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL

Fallen, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 18, 2007
Fallen, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 18, 2007

My internet connection is giving me fits this morning. The connection keeps dropping out. Guess I have some diagnostic work to do today.

Later in the morning: I spent some time fiddling with the connections to the Kyocera KR1 router, Verizon USB720 modem and Wilson Electronics amplifier I use and couldn't find anything amiss so I guess I must have had a particularly weak cell signal here this morning. My connection seems to be holding fine now. I use a Verison BroadbandAccess Data Plan and this isn't Verison country here at Foscue Creek Park, even though Verizon's Coverage Locator claims otherwise. The signal here is weak and the web access speed is barely above dial-up but I can live with that for such a fine place to hang out.

Night camp

Site 42 - Foscue Creek Campground, Demopolis AL

Mix With the World

I am convinced our own happiness requires that we should continue to mix with the world, and to keep pace with it. . . . I can speak from experience on the subject. From 1793 to 1797, I remained closely at home, saw none but those who came there, and at length became very sensible of the ill effect it had upon my mind, and of its direct and irresistible tendency to render me unfit for society, and uneasy when necessarily engaged in it. I felt enough of the effect of withdrawing from the world then to see that it led to an anti-social and misanthropic state of mind, which severely punishes him who gives in to it; and it will be a lesson I never shall forget as to myself.

John Adams
