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Thursday, January 10, 2008 - Alpine TX

Untitled, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 22, 2007
Untitled, Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL, December 22, 2007

Oil field supply companies have lots of new tanks and equipment in stock. Trucks are carrying oversize loads of fancy equipment about. The t(h)reat of $100.00 per barrel oil seems to have lit the entrepreneurial fires in these parts.

Today's journey

US 67 from San Angelo, Texas, Texas to Alpine, Texas.

Night camp

Pecan Grove RV Park, Alpine TX

Pecan Grove RV Park, Alpine TX

Normal Damage

Personally, I've never been normal. But what I've only recently discovered is how much damage being made to feel I should be has done over the years. This is a revelation of the highest order and unspeakably liberating, once you've processed the accumulated side-effects.

from a Grack column by John H Farr, August 25, 2003
