Sunday, January 20, 2008 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM
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A hike up to the first bench
One thing I'd like to do while I'm here is hike up the Dog Canyon Trail as far as the Fairchild Line Cabin 2.9 miles and 1500 ft in elevation above the trailhead at the campground. That's about the limit of what this dilapidated body wants to take on in its present condition. Today I got well up onto the first bench, a sort of ledge running along the south side of the canyon. I made it to the 1.25 mile marker and turned back. That was far enough to test my condition and it looks like I should be fit enough to make it up to the cabin and back without beating myself up too badly.
Today's journey: A mile and a quarter up the Dog Canyon Trail.
Night camp
Site 8 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM
- Verizon cell phone service - good signal
- Verizon EVDO service - very good signal and access speed ( I have to qualify this - during my January 2008 visit the signal and access speed was excellent - in January 2009 it was practically non-existent during the day and slow at night with unpredictable short periods of excellent access)
- Go to Oliver Lee Memorial State Park website
- Go to Oliver Lee Memorial State Park on my Nightcamps map
- Check the weather here
Playing and Learning and Loving
..There is a Byzantium, but not the one Yeats writes about. There is another country the aging occupy and which we share with children. Its borders are formed by the animal that arises in puberty and subsides with the onset of wisdom. It is a land where seven and seventy are kin. Where there are no concerns other than playing and learning and loving. The inhabitants of this land are in no hurry. Our days are dense with experiences. We have, as the Spanish say, more time than life.
Going the Distance: One Man's Journey to the End of His Life George Sheehan, M. D.