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Thursday, February 7, 2008 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

Walking up-canyon on the Second Bench, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, February 2, 2008
Walking up-canyon on the Second Bench, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo, New Mexico, February 2, 2008

A clipping from my collection

They do not Intrude on Each Other

The San Francisco Mountain lies in northern Arizona, above Flagstaff, and its blue slopes and snowy summit entice the eye for a hundred miles across the desert. About its base lie the pine forests of the Navajos, where the great red-trunked trees live out their peaceful centuries in that sparkling air. The pinons and scrub begin only where the forest ends, where the country breaks into open, stony clearings and the surface of the earth cracks into deep canyons. The great pines stand at a considerable distance from each other. Each tree grows alone, murmurs alone, thinks alone. They do not intrude on each other. ...

The Song of the Lark by Willa Cather, p265, Houghton Mifflin Co paperback edition 1987

Night camp

Site 8 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

Running With the Pack

Hardly anyone out there is going to take this seriously, but TV changes you. The kicker is that if you watch it all the time, you'll never know, which under normal circumstances ought to scare you shitless...

No amount of sermonizing will make a difference here, so I'll move on. But I'm telling you, it's true. If you disconnect from the medium long enough to stop associating certain days and times with TV shows you're used to watching, you WILL be different, with values and behavior that arise from sources you never knew existed. There is no arguing with this, you simply have to experience it.
