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Saturday, February 9, 2008 - Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM

Line cabin from the Second Bench, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, February 2, 2008
Line cabin from the Second Bench, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo, New Mexico, February 2, 2008

Remains of the Dog Canyon line cabin

See it? Down there? Under the evergreen on the left? Backed up against that big rock? Look closely. It's that small square of stone walls with an opening for a door. Maybe 8 feet square. It overlooks the small crick that flows down from the head of Dog Canyon in the defile maybe 50 feet in front of the cabin. My guess is this water source is available most of the year.

There's a view down through Dog Canyon all the way to the Tularosa Basin from that cabin. Neat.

What is a line cabin anyway and who built and used it?

Saturday is not a good day to change campgrounds

Kate & Terry like to move on Tuesdays after the weekenders have gone home and now I see why. When I finally rolled into Rockhound State Park outside Deming, New Mexico this afternoon there was but one lousy hookup site left and the one developed site (without hookups) left wasn't any better.

Not being a happy camper, I left thinking I'd go see if there were any spots left at Pancho Villa State Park, down by the border at Columbus, New Mexico. Pancho Villa is only 30 miles or so south of Deming and I can always hole up at the Wal-Mart in Deming if there's nothing at Pancho Villa. But luck was with me and there were a couple of the lesser sites left so I set up and bought 5 nights.

There's a lesson in here somewhere and I wonder if I've learned it. Probably not - it generally takes a bit of repetition to get my attention.

I may have to re-think this journal

As my faithful reader has surely noticed by now, I'm once again a week behind in my postings here. It's getting sort of obvious even to me that keeping this journal on a day to day basis simply isn't going to work - the rigidity of posting to a schedule just doesn't suit me. Especially so now that I don't have much scheduled rigidity left in my world these days. And I like that, thank you very much.

Or I may not re-think it - instead maybe I'll just plod along at this uneven gait for a while and let it evolve. And try to lighten up a bit about this self imposed structure business.

I do tend to go with the flow in a rigid sort of way don't I? Ha!


Night camp

Site 29 - Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM

It's Time to Go Home

The truth about nature is that she is inside us, all around us, just waiting for us to ask her what to do. The truth about civilization is that it was an honest mistake, an invention that was necessary at the time, a mere 30,000 years ago, when nature appeared to be letting us down and we thought we could do better. But now it has outlived its usefulness, and is out of control, and threatens the survival of all life on our planet, so it's time to let it go. It's time to move forward and imagine and invent a new culture, a sustainable one that works for all creatures on Earth, drawing on the best learnings from nature and the best innovations from civilization.

It's time to go home.
