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Wednesday, February 13, 2008 - Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM

Looking up-trail from the line cabin, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, February 2, 2008
Looking up-trail from the line cabin, Dog Canyon Trail, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo, New Mexico, February 2, 2008

The trail up Dog Canyon is a bit steep above the line cabin

Too steep for me. I don't think I'm in shape to tackle this next section of trail up and out of the canyon. I've come far enough for these old bones today; 2.9 miles according to the trail brochure. It's time to head back down to the campground.

Night camp

Site 29 - Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM

The Only Misfortune Of It

The only misfortune of it is that Mr. Jefferson's sayings are never well digested, often extravagant, and never consistently pursued. He has not a clear head, and never pursues any question through. His ambition and his cunning are the only steady qualities in him. His imagination and ambition are too strong for his reason.
