SEARCH Travels With LD

Friday, November 21, 2008 - Foscue Creek Park, Demopolis AL

Slide - Foscue Creek Park, Dec 22, 2007
Slide - Foscue Creek Park, Dec 22, 2007

It's nice to be off the road for a while

Getting in the groove of rolling down the road this past week has taken me away from normal domestic routines. Laundry to do. Cleaning away the road grime. And settling the psychic mud that gets stirred up on the road. It's time to chill for a few days.

Night camp

Site 45 - Foscue Creek Campground, Demopolis AL


I remember walking in art galleries, through the nineteenth century: the obsession they had then with harems. Dozens of paintings of harems, fat women lolling on divans,turbans on their heads, or velvet caps, being fanned with peacock tails, a eunich in the background standing guard. Studies of sedentary flesh, painted by men who'd never been there. These pictures were supposed to be erotic, and I thought they were, at the time; but I see now what they were really about. They were paintings about suspended animation; about waiting, about objects not in use. They were paintings about boredom.

The Handmaid's Tale, Margaret Atwood
