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Friday, December 12, 2008 - Twiltley Branch Campground, Collinsville MS

Questionable seal at the new vent, Dec 12, 2008, Twiltley Branch Campground, Collinsville MS
Questionable seal at the new vent, Dec 12, 2008, Twiltley Branch Campground, Collinsville MS

A Tale of Two Leaks

The hard rain we had here Tuesday night and Wednesday and the ensuing leaks in My Lazy Daze sure got me motivated to get to the bottom of the problem I've been having locating the source of the leaks. It even got to the point where I set up a web page in my Lazy Daze group I call A Tale of Two Leaks to document my tale of woe.

Let's hope this fixes it.

Night camp

Site 39 - Twiltley Branch Campground, Collinsville MS


History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.

Dr. Martin Luther King
