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Friday, January 9, 2009 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

Sitting in the Shade, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, January 9, 2009
Sitting in the Shade, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, January 9, 2009

The light is on...

This morning I took a walk in the park to try to figure out if it would worth my while to move to another site for a stronger Verizon signal and found a pretty consistent 2-3 bars on my cell phone all over the park. Nope, moving won't help.

Then I plugged the USB720 modem directly into the laptop and took it outside to walk around and see if for some reason it would pick up a signal directly that it wouldn't pick up while plugged into the router. Nope. But I got absorbed in fiddling with the VZAccess Manager software that has never worked with the modem (but I keep hoping I can fix whatever the glitch is and keep trying this & that) when I noticed the little green LED on the modem was on solid indicating it had locked on a signal. Oooh! A signal! But no access through the VZAccess Manager - I still haven't gotten that to work.

Inside I go, plug the modem back in the router and fire it up.

We're on! And cooking! This thing is really cooking!

Bye, I've got stuff to do.

Night camp

Site 7 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

Relive Your Traumas

I suppose you have to relive your traumas in a way that is somewhat controlled and contained in order to move on from them. Some things you can walk quickly away from and never look back and other things bid you look again and again until you see something of the truth of them. I believe you have to let yourself remember and relive, that you have to find a way to settle with your past because you and it are always going to occupy the same headspace - you cannot separate yourself from anything you have ever done or seen or thought. You have to be able to look at the elements of the past without flinching and I believe that sometimes takes a few kicks at the cat. Or it does for me, anyway. It doesn't change anything - but it makes it easier to be comfortable in my skin.

Living Art - Photography and Stories By Catherine Jamieson
