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Friday, January 16, 2009 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

Sunrise, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, January 16, 2009
Sunrise, Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM, January 16, 2009

We'll know soon

Yesterday I wagered Broadband Access would come up mid morning today, like it did last Friday. Let's hope it does.

Meanwhile, I have a slow connection at the moment (about 5:30 am) and I'm going to try and get a bit done here on the site.


[Update] Nope - access didn't come back up, except for a few minutes in the afternoon. At least that I'm aware of - I didn't sit here watching a static screen all day. A neighbor across the way seems to have better, though spotty access than I do. I wonder if my modem and router are in need of an update.

Night camp

Site 7 - Oliver Lee Memorial State Park, Alamogordo NM

A Voyage and a Harbor

The native American was forced westward by the young escaping the limits of east coast villages that had been established only a generation or two earlier by parents escaping the limits of European villages. From then on, whether seeking a whale, rafting with Huck Finn, easy riding with Peter Fonda, or next week in Cancun, there has been a strong belief in America that happiness lies somewhere else. And yet as we find freedom we also rediscover loneliness. As geographer Yi-Fu Tuan says, we require both shelter and venture. We need freedom and support, silence and cacophony, the vast and distant but also the warm and near, a voyage and a harbor, the great adventure and the hobbit hole. Much of the iconography of our times gives little sense of this. Instead, the individual is treated as a self-sufficient, self-propelled vehicle moving across a background of other things, other places, and other people.
