Saturday, February 14, 2009 - Rockhound State Park, Deming NM
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You lookin' at me?, Rockhound State Park, Deming NM, February 13, 2009
Night camp
Site 27 - Rockhound State Park, Deming NM
- Verizon cell phone service - good signal
- Verizon EVDO service - good signal
- Find other references to Rockhound on this website
- List the nights I've camped here
- Go to the Rockhound State Park website
- Get a Google map of this area
- Check the weather here
Persistent and Ineradicable Instinct
Whenever we have a strong and persistent and ineradicable instinct, we may be sure that it is not original with us, but inherited -- inherited from away back, and hardened and perfected by the petrifying influence of time.
Mark Twain, autobiography