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Saturday, April 4, 2009 - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

An Irresistible Sunrise, South Monticello Point, Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM, April 4, 2009
An Irresistible Sunrise, South Monticello Point, Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM, April 4, 2009

An irresistible sunrise

In one of those wonderful serendipitous moments I caught my friend Kate doing exactly what I was doing - trying to capture the glory of another New Mexico sunrise over Elephant Butte Lake. Check out Kate's photography on her blog, Kate and Terry - Travels in Cholula Red: Thoughts and musings as we travel in our Lazy Daze Motorhome.

Kate and Terry's website about their life with Cholula Red were a significant factor in my decision to search out a Class C for my first RV and a Lazy Daze in particular. It's been one of my better decisions. Thanks Kate.

Night camp

Site 31, South Monticello Point - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

Sell Them Down the River

Brown had in his camp a fine-looking Negro, who said he had run away from his master in Platte County, Missouri, because the man was going to sell him and his wife to a dealer who would take them south to the Louisiana sugar plantations. The average Missouri Negro looked upon being sold south as one or two degrees worse than being sent straight to hell. This viewpoint was fostered by the masters, who always threatened, when things went wrong, to sell them down the river. ...
