SEARCH Travels With LD

Sunday, April 12, 2009 - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

Watering the Onions, Percha Dam State Park, Arrey NM, March 26, 2009
Watering the Onions, Percha Dam State Park, Arrey NM, March 26, 2009

There's a new camera headed my way

I need a better camera. The Canon PowerShot A720 IS I've been using for the past year has been a good little camera but its limitations are starting to, well, limit me. I like its small slip-in-the-pocket form factor and its image stabilization but I'm finding the 6x optical zoom insufficient. Also, it is not great in the low light situations I find myself attracted to. There are great sunrises and sunsets here in New Mexico and I'm unhappy with the amount of noise I'm getting in many of my images.

I'm jealous - Kate Klein over at Cholula Red has been getting such great shots with her Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ28S 10.1MP Digital Camera with 18x Wide Angle MEGA Optical Image Stabilized Zoom (Silver) I decided I had to take her advise and get me one. The FZ28S is too big for the pocket but it's light and reasonably small and I'm finding that most of my shots are taken on short walks around the parks I'm staying at so size is not really the issue I thought it was when I bought the Canon PowerShot A720 IS. Plus the image stabilized 18x optical zoom is amazing! I haven't been a Panasonic fan for many years now but the images Kate has been getting with this camera really caught my attention. We'll soon see how it works out.

There was a not-to-be-missed glorious sunrise here at South Monticello yesterday morning and I missed the whole show! It happened while I was busy putting together an Amazon order for one of those Panasonic cameras. I never even glanced out the window. Sheesh.

Kate didn't miss the show though. Go see her great shots over on her blog.

Night camp

Site 32, South Monticello Point - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

Lifestyle's Supports and the Difficulty of Understanding

... In a life that depends on results and not just intentions, it is vital to be able to examine and question EVERYTHING. Sacred cows eat people out of house and home and bring them to their ends in ruin. Blind belief in anything kills.

My favorite quote from Wendell Barry [sic] (other than his mad farmer poems that is) is from Long-Legged House:
