SEARCH Travels With LD

Thursday, June 4, 2009 - Red Rock, East Chatham NY

Camped, Home Farm, Red Rock, East Chatham NY, June 4, 2009.jpg
Camped, Home Farm, Red Rock, East Chatham NY, June 4, 2009

We've moved

Just a bit. I had settled in to parking between the trees, blocking the driveway. No big deal - it's my driveway and I'm the only one I'm blocking. But I decided to moved camp just a bit to eliminate that minor inconvenience.

Night camp

On my property off Less Traveled Road - The Home Place, Red Rock, East Chatham NY

First Find What's Truly Significant

Zen Students and photographers have much in common. Both are acutely visionary, concerned with the practicalities of light and darkness, perception and clarity. The pursuit of either of these practices demands that those involved first find what's truly significant in their lives before they can ever hope to turn this significance into something that can be seen by others.

Caught in Fading Light: Mountain Lions, Zen Masters, and Wild Nature Gary Thorp
