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Friday, July 24, 2009 - Pittsfield MA

It's been over a week since my last post. Let's see if I can get caught up.

Overhead storage box masking a big leak, July 19, 2009
Overhead storage box masking a big leak, July 19, 2009

The leaks on the overcab area are bigger than I first thought

That bloody useless shallow box Lazy Daze built in at the head of the overhead bed has been masking a leak. You can just see a bit of water damage under the mattress near it. But wait 'til you see what's under that box!

Night camp

Wal-Mart Supercenter in Pittsfield MA

Wal-Mart Store #2228, 555 Hubbard Ave./Suite 12, Pittsfield, MA 01201 - (413) 442-1971

They do not Intrude on Each Other

The San Francisco Mountain lies in northern Arizona, above Flagstaff, and its blue slopes and snowy summit entice the eye for a hundred miles across the desert. About its base lie the pine forests of the Navajos, where the great red-trunked trees live out their peaceful centuries in that sparkling air. The pinons and scrub begin only where the forest ends, where the country breaks into open, stony clearings and the surface of the earth cracks into deep canyons. The great pines stand at a considerable distance from each other. Each tree grows alone, murmurs alone, thinks alone. They do not intrude on each other. ...

The Song of the Lark, Willa Cather, p265, Houghton Mifflin Co paperback edition 1987
