SEARCH Travels With LD

Saturday, August 1, 2009 - Red Rock, East Chatham NY

LD at home off Less Traveled Road, July 31, 2009
LD at home off Less Traveled Road, July 31, 2009

Baaaa! It leaks!

We had another big storm and the overhead leak leaks as much as ever! My patch job doesn't seem to have affected the leaks at all. Very frustrating.

Night camp

On my property off Less Traveled Road - The Home Place, Red Rock, East Chatham NY


It would be possible, of course, to feel contempt for people entirely oblivious of the power structure within which they had their own security. But what do people in general know about how their privileges relate to their fellow citizens' lack of privileges? Is it possible, even, to live with an exact knowledge of where you yourself stand in the network of human exploitation?

Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman, Nuala O'Faolain
