SEARCH Travels With LD

Wednesday, August 12, 2009 - Red Rock, East Chatham NY

Wire art series #5 - Bike #1, ca. early 1990's, photographed April 25, 2009
Wire art series #5 - Bike #1, ca. early 1990's, photographed April 25, 2009

About fifteen years ago I started playing around bending wire into bird, animal, and human figures and some inanimate figures as well. Back in April I was showing some of them to Kate and with her encouragement we spent a sunny morning photographing them. I'm presenting a few of those images in a series here.

Night camp

On my property off Less Traveled Road - The Home Place, Red Rock, East Chatham NY

Inflection Points

I'm convinced we're at one of those rare historic inflection points, where the formerly reliable center can't hold and, without the benefit of our imminent history, we flail around wondering why our life isn't as stable as we think our parents' was.
