Friday, December 11, 2009 - Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM
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Sunrise, Site 42, Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM, December 11, 2009
Ah! to awaken to a gorgeous sunrise, the sweet smell of crude on the breeze, the gentle sound of a make-or-break pipeline pumping engine thump...thump....thump thump......thumping in the background - 'tis comfort food to the fulltimer rolling into a peak oil future.
Night camp
Site 42 - Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM
- Verizon cell phone service - Access is via Extended Network, roaming
- No Verizon EVDO service - access is via the Extended Network and service varies with many drop-outs.
- See a list of the nights I've camped at Brantley Lake State Park
- Locate Brantley Lake State Park on my Night Camps map
- Go to Brantley Lake State Park website
- Locate services on my Resources map
- Check the weather here
Shopping for sensation
The purest example of human shopping I know of can be seen by watching a child go through life touching absolutely everything. You’re watching that child shop for information, for understanding, for knowledge, for experience, for sensation. Especially for sensation, otherwise why would he have to touch or smell or taste or hear anything twice? Keep looking: Watch a dog. Watch a bird. Watch a bug. You might say the ant is searching for suitable food. I say he is shopping.
From Why We Buy by Paco Underhill