Monday, December 14, 2009 - Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM
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Afghan Pine, Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM, December 9, 2009
Night camp
Site 42 - Brantley Lake State Park, Carlsbad NM
- Verizon cell phone service - Access is via Extended Network, roaming
- No Verizon EVDO service - access is via the Extended Network and service varies with many drop-outs.
- See a list of the nights I've camped at Brantley Lake State Park
- Locate Brantley Lake State Park on my Night Camps map
- Go to Brantley Lake State Park website
- Locate services on my Resources map
- Check the weather here
It would be possible, of course, to feel contempt for people entirely oblivious of the power structure within which they had their own security. But what do people in general know about how their privileges relate to their fellow citizens' lack of privileges? Is it possible, even, to live with an exact knowledge of where you yourself stand in the network of human exploitation?
Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman, Nuala O'Faolain