SEARCH Travels With LD

Monday, January 11, 2010 - Leasburg Dam State Park, Radium Springs NM

 What Will You Drink Next Year ???, Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM, January 10, 2010
"What" Will You Drink Next Year ???, Pancho Villa State Park, Columbus NM, January 10, 2010

I'm out of here today - off to find some Mobil 1 for an oil change and someone to do the job. Then I'll probably head over to Leasburg Dam State Park, Radium Springs NM for the night, with the goal of finding myself up at the private Bosque Bird Watcher's RV Park, San Antonio NM for the January 14th and 15th NM employee furlough when the State Parks are closed.

On roosters

Roosters have been crowing here in Columbus for hours now (I got up about 3:30 and it's now sunrise) and it is a comforting greeting to the new day. It's a sound that takes me back to my childhood in Red Rock when chickens were an integral part of the community, like they still are here. I miss that. Red Rock needs its chickens back.

Night camp

Site 2 - Leasburg Dam State Park, Radium Springs NM

Something Useful Can Be Artful

A life, I believe - lived well and openly - with a certain sort of careful attention to form and function - creates art - or, at the very least, inspires it. I believe that art is contained in the ordinary events, that the small things we see and hear and learn everyday provide opportunities to explore parts of ourselves or our society in a way that can actually produce art. Whether it is a story you leave behind or one you take with you, I believe that any given situation is rich with opportunities to participate in the creation of something useful that can also be artful.

Living Art - Photography By Catherine Jamieson
