Tuesday, May 18, 2010 - Walnut Meadow RV Park, Beria KY
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Yeah, what IS that thingy?, San Antonio NM, April 21, 2010
Night camp
Site 43 - Walnut Meadow RV Park, Berea KY
- Walnut Meadow RV Park is on KY Rte 21 about 1/2 mile west of I-75 in Berea KY. Most sites offer 30 and 50 AMP electric and water. There is a dump station and nice facilities with a small laundry.
- There is good Verizon cell phone or EVDO service
- Find Walnut Meadow RV Park on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Nights I've camped here
The Speed of Wisdom
Sometimes I slowed down to the speed of wisdom.
The Middle of Everywhere, Mary Pipher, pg 342