SEARCH Travels With LD

Tuesday, December 28, 2010 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, February 1, 2010
Snow Geese, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, February 1, 2010

Morning at JT's Auto Service

There. That's done. After a morning at JT's Auto Service LD now sports a fine newly rebuilt air conditioner compressor and a new belt tensioner pulley. That quieted the belt just fine.

Now it's on to find replacements for the rear tires which are getting down to their last 10% or so of tread depth. That's plenty far enough for me. I'll sacrifice that 10% for a little peace of mind out on the highway. A flat dually will often disintegrate before the driver even notices it has gone soft. We've all seen those road snakes out there. Trouble is, a disintegrating dually can do major damage to the plywood wheel wells on the Lazy Daze. I'd rather not deal with that if I can help it thank you.

So tomorrow I'm off to the tire shop JT's recommended, Tinley-Tee Tire & Auto Services, a mile across town.

Night camp

Boondocked - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

The Bottom Line

...if you’re young, dear God, don’t try to live the way your parents did. You don’t need three bedrooms, although a roof is nice. Get the hell outa Dodge and stir things up. Leave! Adapt! Believe in yourself! Have fun! The bottom line is, do I have shelter and enough to eat. Everything else is optional. EVERYTHING! There are no rules!!! Just keep it simple: get that first bit down, no matter how, and you can get creative with the rest.
