Sunday, January 2, 2011 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM
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Portrait in Blue 2, Snow Goose, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, February 4, 2010
Here's an even closer crop of the Snow Goose picture I put up yesterday
This picture is taken from a sequence of 24 pictures of this Snow Goose swimming to shore and climbing the bank. It would be fun to figure out a way to stitch them together without a huge amount of work as a series of panels to show the bird's movement. A flip-book sort of thing. I have lots of image sequences that would lend themselves to some kind of comic-like display. Hmm...
Night camp
Site 8 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM
- This is a spacious 65 site campground with most sites offering full hookups.
- Locate LoW-HI RV Ranch on my Night Camps map
- Verizon cell phone - strong signal
- Verizon Broadband - strong signal but often slow
- Check the weather in Deming NM
Party Differences
To me then it appears that there have been differences of opinion, and party differences, from the establishment of governments to the present day, and on the same question which now divides our country, that these will continue through all future times: that everyone takes his side in favor of the many, or of the few, according to his constitution and the circumstances in which he is placed...