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Tuesday, February 22, 2011 - Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM

House Finch, Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM, February 21, 2011
House Finch, Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM, February 21, 2011

Hollywood finches

The House Finch was originally a bird of the western United States and Mexico. In 1940 a small number of finches were turned loose on Long Island, New York, after failed attempts to sell them as cage birds (“Hollywood finches”).

Source: House Finch, Life History, All About Birds - Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Night camp

Site 10 - Bosque Bird Watcher's RV Park, San Antonio NM

Party Differences

To me then it appears that there have been differences of opinion, and party differences, from the establishment of governments to the present day, and on the same question which now divides our country, that these will continue through all future times: that everyone takes his side in favor of the many, or of the few, according to his constitution and the circumstances in which he is placed...
