Wednesday, March 16, 2011 - Hidden Valley RV Park, Tijeras NM
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Keep on Truckin', Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM, March 6, 2011
New MacBook Pro battery
The tech at the Genius Bar in the Apple store replaced the swollen battery in my laptop for a not so small fee. I had hoped they would warrantee it but no dice. Man, that store was mobbed! - in an upscale mall with very few folks wandering around the other stores. Apple must be doing something right.
Night camp
Site 7 - Hidden Valley RV Park, Tijeras NM
- This is an older, 100 site, dirt pad, full hookup, RV park on a wooded hillside. The sites are a little small and close together by today's standards but are quite serviceable, quiet and clean.
- Verizon cell phone and Broadband service are available here with a strong signal.
- Locate Hidden Valley RV Park on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Messing Up Their Results
... Jack Panksepp found that laboratory-reared rats who've never seen or smelled a cat stop playing the instant you put a tuft of cat hair in their play space. Since frightened animals don't play, that's a good indication that those rats are afraid. ... This experience got Dr Panksepp to thinking about how many research laboratories might be messing up their results due to researchers' coming to work smelling like their pet cats.