Sunday, March 27, 2011 - Burro Creek Campground, Wikieup AZ
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At the Nest, Great Blue Heron, Burro Creek, March 27, 2011
Is that what I think it is?
Yes! Great Blue Herons, nesting on the cliff face above Burro Creek, right across from the campground. Wow! I gotta get some pictures!
Night camp
Site 20 - Burro Creek Campground south of Wikieup AZ
- No Verizon cell phone and Broadband service are available here.
- Visit the BLM - Burro Creek website
- Locate Burro Creek Campground on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Over Fifty
Some of this has been painful for me, but it's all been wildly instructive. And it convinced me that nearly every person over fifty should try to find a time to sit down and engage in the same exercise, even if you never intend to publish anything. You need to think about what really meant something to you. Who did you really love. Who really made you what you are. What the seminal events did. And also it's an incredible discipline. Because I found it shocking to me what I remember and what I don't. It's shocking to me what I can remember factually and how hard it is for me to be absolutely sure about how I felt at the time. You know, how did I feel when I was 16? I don't really know.
Bill Clinton, on writing his memoir, in an interview with James Fallows, the Atlantic Monthly