SEARCH Travels With LD

Friday, April 1, 2011 - Boulder Beach Campground, Boulder City NV

I'm off - that nest needs a few more sticks, Great Blue Herons, Burro Creek AZ, March 28, 2011
I'm off - that nest needs a few more sticks, Great Blue Herons, Burro Creek AZ, March 28, 2011


What's with the fuffy beards? Most of heron pictures I'm getting show these long beard feathers, often puffed out in the presence of a mate. Is this a nesting display of some sort?

Night camp

Site 94 - Boulder Beach Campground, Lake Mead Recreation Area, Boulder City NV

Hobnobbing with Brigham Young

The day following my arrival in the flourishing City of the Saints, as they called it then and still call it, I very unexpectedly met and formed the acquaintance of Brigham Young. I was riding along at the head of my flock of sheep when a stoutly built, florid faced genteel-looking man, whose hair was just turning gray, walked down to the street from one of the most pretentious residences in the place and inquired whose sheep I had charge of.
