Thursday, April 7, 2011 - Zion National Park, Springdale UT
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Angel's Landing, Zion National Park, April 7, 2011
Before the storm
After April first no one is allowed to drive up the canyon but the shuttles are great - they come by every few minutes and make stops at all the trailheads and points of interest. I hopped on one this morning thinking I might get in a couple of short hikes ahead of the rain and snow storm due in this afternoon. That worked all too well - it's now 4:45 and the storm still hasn't arrived.
Night camp
Site 112 - South Campground, Zion National Park, Springdale UT
- Verizon cell phone and EVDO service - good signal
- Go to Zion National Park website
- Locate Zion South Campground on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Alex Can Think
Animal researchers are finally beginning to catch up to the little old ladies in tennis shoes who say Fifi the poodle can think. The fights are always between a big group of experts who think animals don't have a lot of feelings or aren't very smart, and a much smaller group of researchers who think there's a lot more going on inside an animal's head than we know. The really nasty fights always seem to go one way: it's always the animal "debunkers" who are on the attack. At least, I don't remember a single big academic fight where someone got fired or lost their funding for doing a study where the animal turned out to be dumber than people thought, and lots of studies like that have been done. Claiming that an animal can't do something isn't considered blasphemous.