SEARCH Travels With LD

Sunday, April 24, 2011 - Jacob's Chair Trailhead, Fry Canyon UT

White Canyon, Fry Canyon UT, April 22, 2011
White Canyon, Fry Canyon UT, April 22, 2011

Continuing overcast and showers

It rained a little overnight. Inexperience with the weather and the threat of flash floods here make me think it prudent to continue to delay any more hikes in the canyon until the skies clear. The high water mark in the canyon is surprisingly high and in some areas it could be hard to get above it in a hurry. There's a lot of neat stuff to explore down there - maybe tomorrow...

Night camp

Boondocked - Trailhead to Jacob's Chair, Fry Canyon UT

Shopping for sensation

The purest example of human shopping I know of can be seen by watching a child go through life touching absolutely everything. You’re watching that child shop for information, for understanding, for knowledge, for experience, for sensation. Especially for sensation, otherwise why would he have to touch or smell or taste or hear anything twice? Keep looking: Watch a dog. Watch a bird. Watch a bug. You might say the ant is searching for suitable food. I say he is shopping.

From Why We Buy by Paco Underhill
