SEARCH Travels With LD

Monday, November 7, 2011 - Hidden Valley RV Park, Tijeras NM

On Point, Sumner Lake State Park, Fort Sumner NM, November 4, 2011
On Point, Sumner Lake State Park, Fort Sumner NM, November 4, 2011


Well, I moved over near Albuquerque today to get on with my chores here and head south before winter sets in. I didn't get here quite soon enough I guess. It's been snowing lightly this afternoon and overnight temps in the mid twenties are forecast for the next few nights. Bah!

In Albuquerque

  1. Get the front end checked out and aligned to correct the altered right front tire wear that cropped up on the way out here with the trailer. Towing changed the load balance and I'm seeing some wear on the inside edge instead of the previous outside edge wear.
  2. Stop at the Apple store and use their high speed internet connection to upgrade a few OS X apps and iPhone & iPad apps that are too big for my Verizon broadband accounts to gracefully handle.

Night camp

Site 100 - Hidden Valley RV Park, Tijeras NM

Monopoly Money

During the 1990s I knew all the dot-coms would go to hell, because when I thought about them the only images I saw were rented office space and computers that would be obsolete in two years. There wasn't anything real I could picture; the companies had no hard assets. My stockbroker asked me how I knew the two stock market crashes would happen, and I told him, "When the Monopoly play money starts jerking around the real money you're in trouble."
