SEARCH Travels With LD

Friday, February 10, 2012 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

Western Meadowlark, San Antonio NM, April 15, 2010
Western Meadowlark, San Antonio NM, April 15, 2010

Northward bound

Larger and larger flocks of Sandhill Cranes have been flying northward over the park the last few days, calling down to suggest I follow them up to the Bosque. And I think I will once my prepaid time here at LoWs runs out at the end of the month. Playing around with my Bosque pictures the last few days has gotten me in the mood to go get some more this spring.

Night camp

Site 8 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

Now, Dazzled

I've gone through life believing in the strength and competence of others; never in my own. Now, dazzled, I discover that my capacities are real. It's like finding a fortune in the lining of an old coat.

Joan Mills
