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Saturday, February 11, 2012 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

Western Meadowlark, San Antonio NM, April 14, 2010
Western Meadowlark, San Antonio NM, April 14, 2010

Night camp

Site 8 - LoW-HI RV Ranch, Deming NM

The Value of Time

Time is the most valuable and finite commodity that any living thing has. Think about it, everything – you, me, people, plants, animals, even the Earth itself – has a limited and set amount of time. From the moment we come into existence, we begin an inevitable march to a final end. Even the age of our solar system exists in but a minute of time within the context of the history of the universe. The average human lifespan does not even register on that clock. With that said, in many ways, time is the very definition of life itself.
