Thursday, March 22, 2012 - City of Rocks State Park, Faywood NM
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Back at the Rocks, City of Rocks State Park, Faywood NM, March 22, 2012
Back at the rocks
It's good to be back. I really like this park, as do others; it's quite busy here.
A note on charging Apple iOS devices
There is an ars technica article today discussing their confirmation of what others have been finding; that Apple iOS devices will continue to charge up to an hour after the displays show a 100% charge and that if one lets them charge an extra hour or so the subsequent run time is extended.
Most people, I assume, leave their devices plugged into a charger overnight but I don't do that unless my rig is plugged into shore power. When I'm boondocking and running off my precious battery power at night I tend to shut everything down overnight to conserve the house batteries. Then I'll charge my devices during the day and disconnect the charger when they reach 100% charge on the indicator. I think I'll try leaving them charge longer and see if I notice a difference.
I keep a second Time Machine backup on an external hard drive. The partition it's on just failed during a backup. I just reformatted the partition and a new backup is under way but now I have no second copy of older Time Machine backups. Arrg!
Night camp
Site 2 Canes Venatici - City of Rocks State Park, Faywood NM
- Verizon cell phone service - fairly good signal - best on west side of the park
- Verizon EVDO service - faster than many places I've camped
- Go to City of Rocks State Park website
- Locate City of Rocks State Park on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Now, Dazzled
I've gone through life believing in the strength and competence of others; never in my own. Now, dazzled, I discover that my capacities are real. It's like finding a fortune in the lining of an old coat.
Joan Mills