SEARCH Travels With LD

Monday, April 2, 2012 - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

Canyon Towhee, Elephant Butte NM, April 1, 2012
Canyon Towhee, Elephant Butte NM, April 1, 2012

Early morning light

The sun was barely up and I got the pictures but the light was insufficient. There was a female Hooded Merganser on the river this morning having a crayfish feast fit for a queen. There must be a pool here where crayfish survive when the river flow is turned off for the winter. It was a fine moment I wanted to share with you. Ah well...

Night camp

Site 10 - Paseo del Rio Campground - Elephant Butte Lake State Park, Elephant Butte NM

Few genes are required

One's brain is powerfully activated by learning that there are only 30,000 genes in the human genome. That is only twice as many as in the fruit fly, not renowned for its calculating ability, and about as many as a garden weed. Geneticists are sorely vexed that so few genes are required to make something as complex and clever as a geneticist.

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