SEARCH Travels With LD

Wednesday, November 14, 2012 - San Antonio Mechanic Shop, San Antonio NM

Weed, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, November 11, 2012
Weed, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, November 11, 2012

Dang radiator leaks

I put a new radiator in this rig 3 years ago, almost to the day. Now it's gone and split a seam. I bought a new one at Amazon - Salvador's gonna put it in.

Night camp

Drycamped - San Antonio Mechanic Shop, San Antonio NM

Float Your Ideals

You have to float your ideals a little off the ground, to keep them from being profaned. And cut loose the misfortunes and insults, too, lest they take root and strangle your soul.

In America: A Novel by Susan Sontag
