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Tuesday, November 20, 2012 - Bosque Birdwatchers RV Park, San Antonio NM

Backlit, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, November 10, 2012
Backlit, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, San Antonio NM, November 10, 2012

Job well done

Salvador is probably the most conscientious and competent mechanic I've ever worked with. He runs his one man shop on a pretty relaxed schedule and that is just fine with me. It's a fair exchange for good work at a fair price. In fact I'll be coming back in a week or two for a full tuneup and transmission service.

What a difference the new timing chain and gear set has made! The rig runs noticeably smoother and quieter. It should purr like a kitten after the tuneup - I can hardly wait.


Site 10 - Bosque Bird Watcher's RV Park, San Antonio NM

Passing Time in Byzantium

..Byzantium has begun to look suspiciously like my hometown. It has the same people, the same houses, the same goings and comings. But I am a very wise child seeing things very differently. The activities and interests of adults mystify me. They appear senseless. It is like watching the TV with the sound off--and suddenly realizing how ridiculous people actually are.

I expect adults will in turn regard me as ridiculous. Actions people might accept in a child may not seem appropriate in a grandfather. I won't be distressed. I am looking forward to new heroes and new adventures. And if you ask me where I've been I'll say "out"; and if you ask me what I've been doing I'll say "nothing."
