Burro Creek Campground south of Wikieup AZ

Camped at Burro Creek Campground, Wikieup AZ, March 27, 2011
Burro Creek Campground is a BLM Recreation Site along Burro Creek just off US 93 a few miles southeast of Wikieup AZ and 60 miles northwest of Wickensburg AZ.
The BLM has this to say
The Burro Creek Recreation Site is situated along Burro Creek within a very scenic Sonoran desert Canyon at an elevation of 1,960 feet. This peaceful area has long been a favorite stop of travelers on nearby Highway 93. Visitors here are invariably fascinated with the contrast between the deep blue pools and tree-lined banks of Burro Creek, and the saguaro-studded hills and cliffs of its desert setting.
Burro Creek Campground south of Wikieup AZ
- No Verizon cell phone and Broadband service are available here.
- Visit the BLM - Burro Creek website
- Locate Burro Creek Campground on my Night Camps map
- Check the weather here
Nights I've camped here
- Sunday, March 27, 2011 - Burro Creek Campground, Wikieup AZ
- Is that what I think it is? Yes! Great Blue Herons, nesting on the cliff face above Burro Creek, right across from the campground. Wow! I gotta get some pictures! Image: At the Nest, Great Blue Heron, Burro Creek, March 27, 2011.
What Horrid Creatures We Men Are
War necessarily brings with it some virtues, and great and heroic virtues, too. What horrid creatures we men are, that we cannot be virtuous without murdering one another?