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HomeTravels With LDNight CampsUtah Route 12 East of Escalante UT

Utah Route 12 East of Escalante UT

Boondocked east of Escalante UT, April 14, 2011
Boondocked east of Escalante UT, April 14, 2011

There are some good spots to boondock in the Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument along Utah Route 12 between Escalante and Boulder. This spot is on the ridge west of Spencer Flat Road and overlooks Escalante to the west and Escalante Canyons to the east.

Three hundred degree view

At the very top of the ridge above the 8% grade descending east to Spencer Flat Road, turn south into the access road to the communications tower atop the ridge. At the end of the road is a highway maintenance yard with lots of good level parking and an expansive 300 degree view.

Utah Route 12 East of Escalante UT

Nights I've camped here


It would be possible, of course, to feel contempt for people entirely oblivious of the power structure within which they had their own security. But what do people in general know about how their privileges relate to their fellow citizens' lack of privileges? Is it possible, even, to live with an exact knowledge of where you yourself stand in the network of human exploitation?

Almost There: The Onward Journey of a Dublin Woman, Nuala O'Faolain
